Sunday, May 28, 2006

fence = done.

as you may or may not know, we used to have railroad tracks that went right behind our house. due to the downfall of the railroad due to ... it sucking, there are no longer railroad tracks behind our house. instead, they (they being the anonymous higher-ups) have opted to do this "trails-to-rails" thing. basically, they come and uproot all of your railroad ties, level the railroad tracks, and pave it over to make a recreational trail. it is probably the sweetest thing that i have ever seen. except for one thing - they didn't take the railroad ties with them. inconvinient? not in the least. dad thought that we should build a hand lapped split rail fence with them to keep people on the trail and away from our house. (some 40 feet away)
needless to say, this involved kevin and i working, dad supervising, brian making koolaid and doing the supportive work (moving things to make way for the fence.), and sam whining about working and then eventually coming out and contributing his *ahem* revered services.

after roughly one day of work, we constructed this:

from a pile similar to this (but obviously bigger):

i have some more pictures from back there by the river and such, so if you want some, you can have them, though i don't profess to be a photographer.

but, i need to take a shower, on account of i have cresote and tar and wood all over me.


Lindy Lois said...

that's badass. seriously. last night my dad dressed head-to-toe in black and went in the backyard with a rag and some gasoline in hopes of killing a bees nest. he didn't quite succeed. but this is also badass.

more proof that we are related (or that our dads went to college together... depends how you look at it i guess...)

Anonymous said...

You know you should really wear white when you are working with bees. The bees are much less attracted to white than any other color. And if you dad really wants to kill them, he should spray them with sugar water first, it immobilizes them!

Lise M. said...

Hey, your fence is BEAUTIFUL! And just think, now you qualify for the presidency - wait, did you split the rails, as well? Great job!

Andy said...

no, we used the whole ties. some of them were a little rotted, and so we didn't want to rip them to shreds.

Lise M. said...

Hey, I was sort of kidding about splitting those rails - it was a reference to another rail splitter from Indiana who ended up in the White House. Thought you might want some pictures of yourself doing that job... for a future campaign???

Andy said...

ooooohhhhhhh. ok.
i was so confused...