Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Hey There Delilah

why is it that whenever i know that i had a lot of work to do, my brain just shuts down. it's like overloading a circuit. once it becomes too much, it just stops trying. =(
it doesn't help that i have the concentration of a two year old ADHD monkey on speed.

on the plus side, we had to switch phone carriers (that's not the good part) but now we have verizon, like most of my mom's side of the family (see also: the only people who read this) AND we all got sweet new phones. SO, now most of you can call us for free (except for overseas people, you still get to use skype)

anyways, my new number is 765.480.0268, and i'll try to update the contact list and distribute it.

but for now, back to a bold attempt and what i like to call studying.

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