Tuesday, November 14, 2006

andy's life as a cycloid

a cycloid is a parametric equation that defines a certain curve. it basically says that if you were to put a mass at any point on the curve, it would take the same time to reach the end point, no matter what.

i feel like my life is like that right now. it seems that, even though being set back a year in engineering, i will eventually reach my goal. (yay!) that's the good part.

the bad part of this is that one of a cycloid's practical applications is in pendulums. in this case, it feels like no matter how much effort i put into something, i accomplish almost the same thing. i can basically not sleep, and still get all of my things done, while remembering x amount of material. if i sleep more like a normal person (see 7 - 8 hours) then i get the same amount of work done, and remember about x amount of material. the only difference being that the days that i get more sleep i am generally more productive per hour (more focused, get more accomplished, etc.)

so theorectically, i should just sleep a lot and then wake up only for class, hw and studying. if only it were so easy....


Lise M. said...

Here an anecdote from MY parents' days at Purdue...
My father, in mech. engineering, always figured a good night's sleep was the most important thing he could do for the education of his brain, My mother, a psych. and soc. major, spent many a sleepless night studying and preparing for classes and tests. My mother graduated with a 4.0, my father with a 2.2. You decide! Sweet dreams!

Andy said...

dang it... now i'm going to feel obligated to stay up all night studying. thanks a lot. ='(

Lindy Lois said...

sleep is a privelege, not a right. (i don't think i spelled that right... whatever) that's what our high school dean of students told us. go figure.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!