Sunday, June 17, 2007

a resurfacing

i haven't updated in a while. i'm been busy with this and that, or lazy. whichever you would prefer that i be. i can wear many hats, or in this instance... two.

lindy came over today for lunch and to pick up a fridge. we had a nice chat about naming kittens etc. (cat pack all the way!)

and then when dad finally got back from ohio (odd that he would leave the state on father's day, non?) we did some stuff and then went raccoon hunting. it's not so much that we wanted to, but more of that they were destroying mom's flowers, ripping down the bird feeders, terrorizing the kittens, and just being mean in general. so i covered the bird feeder pole in crisco and mineral oil (crisco for the enduring slippery-ness, and mineral oil in case they try to lick the crisco off). and so i thought that our adventure was done there. oh no. dad decides that he's had enough and so we go exploring with a flashlight and shotgun (5 rounds pheasant). essentially, i am now a glorified hunting dog, whilst dad has all of the fun. i let him, on account of it's father's day. (smooth, eh?) long story short, he shoots one the first time that we go out, and two the second time.

but (and lindy would appreciate this), right after he shoots the first one, he has an "action movie" moment, much like something that would come out of the mouth of your precious Governator. we were staking out this riverbank where they clean their food before they eat, and close to their presumed home. so i find, call it out, and shine the light on it. if takes a few steps into the river, and dad shoots it. a few of the pellets hit some of the rock around, and caused a dust cloud. so when the dusts settles, he's laying in the river twitching. dad waits until he's done, cocks the gun, and says "tonight, he sleeps with the fishes." in some sort of strange half-french, half over-dramatic accent. it was hillarious.

hopefully, i will be better about posting to this, unless it's blocked at work like every other site. (see also: facebook, myspace, youtube, etc.)

i forgot, after watching a few episodes of mash (i got for brian on his bday) i realized that i wanted to make a still. not for gin mind you (which is illegal, i guess?) but for ethanol. if i can scrounge around for parts and build one for pretty cheap, it may be worth is. (corn $ < gas $) at least for now.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the still, Andy, but it will still have to be inspected by the ATF, and permitted by your fire depatment. Darn government agents ruining all our cheap fuel fun. Here's a good site:

Glad your posting again, and hope you get out to the (PA) farm this summer! And let me know when I can get some of that ethanol...

Lindy Lois said...