Sunday, July 15, 2007

I once robbed the second largest bank in Paris with a ball point pen

I think that if they had drive-in movie theaters in California, I would not be so tired right now. Am I allowed to blame the Governator for that?

Explanation: Lindy came over last night to go to aforementioned drive-in, and hilarity ensued. The two movies for the night were Ratatouille (sp?) and Transformers. Ratatouille was hillarious, cute, and had many quoteable lines, as a good movie should. Transformers was ok. Watching Transformers growing up, I knew that it would be hard to redo it, but it was a valient effort. There were a few things that bothered me about it, but I will refrain from posting in case you are planning to see it. Also, I don't like coming off as a pesimist.

All in all, a good night. The only real downside is that we didn't get home until almost 3, and it was about 3:30 before I finished everything that I needed to get done. Then, I had to be at church at 7 this morning to play bass on worship team. Overall lesson: 2.5 hours of sleep is not condusive to looking enthusiastic or proper brain function. (Admittingly, sometimes it is hard to look enthusiastic playing one string at a time.)

1 comment:

Lindy Lois said...

new layout?


it's too girly