Saturday, August 26, 2006


i'm only taking four classes - how do i have so much homework?!?!

seriously folks, physics is gonna be real tough. i have a super-nerdy prof, and he speaks in generalities, as well as telling us that we will only need three equations for the class. is he serious? that's impossible!

on a positive note, this is making calc seem much easier.


Henry said...

Which phyics and which three equations? I can imagine that E and M or mechanics can be done with three is all about knowing enough calc to turn those basic three into everything else you need...

Don't worry, quantum mechanics will be easier. You only need one equation for that, the Schroedinger equation.

Have fun and let us know what three equations this guy thinks you can get by on.

Andy said...

phys 172. it's what used to be phys 152.
the official title is "modern mechanics."
so far we've used a lot, but the only ones that we supposedly need are: change of momentum, F=ma, and some other one that i can't find. i just find it amazing that we would only need three equations.

Lindy Lois said...

calc 2 (don't know what it's called there...) and calc 3 (multivariable) are both tantalizingly simple IN THE BEGINNING! mwahahahaha. and i am done with calculus forever!!!

and if anyone wants me, i'll be in differential equations now (awww)