Monday, November 06, 2006

a legend lives on

it's been a crazy week or so, and i thought that i would share.

thursday i had the amazing opportunity to go to the Engineering Advisory Council with Aunt Emily. that was so much fun, and i got to meet almost all of the deans from all of the different disciplines of engineering. that was pretty fun. i think that aunt emily said that she had taken Rachel and Bridget, so maybe you know what i'm talking about. after the dinner, i went back to grandma's and got to see aunt susan. that was good. i haven't seen her in a long time. she had some home videos of laura and kevin and i from their house in zionsville that were really funny!

friday morning i fixed (somewhat) the hydraulic clutch on the jeep. well, at least enough to run some errands and get it home, to be switched with another car until the jeep gets fixed. i also ate dinner with the all of the Aunts (a rare occasion, to say the least!) and had an amazing meal prepared by aunt susan. then i went to the GreekIV HML meeting for a few hours and talked about greek houses, the differences, the similarities, and what we could do about it.

saturday, i got up at 7:30 to go register for a 5k, only to realize that my throat feels like i swallowed a ball of razor blades. so, no running in sub-freezing weather today... so i go home to have lunch with my dad. kind of a stupid idea really, driving home for a few hours, but whatever. i traded cars so that he could take it to the local jeep dealership to get looked at. (we tried to bleed the line, but it was rusted shut. so i said forget it, and we fixed the rv instead.)

today, i woke up again at 7:30 (and i thought that weekends were for sleeping.) to go to IGLC. (Indiana Greek Leadership Conference) that was incredibly informative. we had a few main sessions, as well as some smaller, specific sessions. one of the most appalling things was that we had a formal lunch, and i was surprised how little etiquette some people knew. i mean, for the most part the the sororities did really well, but some of the guys from the other fraternities i sat with didn't know anything! the used their salad fork to spear a roll from across the table, then put it on their saucer, and put a big pat of butter on it, and devoured it all at once. absolutely insane... (world + handbasket = college kids trying to eat.)

BUT, it get's better: tonight, my roomate and i had the amazing opportunity to go see B.B. King live in Elliot Hall.
i mean, the guy is 81 years old. who knows how much longer he'll be around? i'm not trying to be cynical here, just realistic.
anyways, my roomate used my smartphone to attempt to keep a set list of b.b. king's songs. trey or someone might actually care about this, maybe? now, it's not like he announced every song, so some of these are our best guesses as to what the songs may be, but they should be close.

Opening Act - Ronny Brooks

First song neither Andy nor Fiene recognizes. Oops.
It takes a smart man to play dumb.
Take me with you.
I feel good. (to ZZ Top-esque rhythm.)
- (story about Johnny Lee Hooker.) -

Main Act - B.B. King

I need you so.
Back in the love.
I'm a blues man, but a good man.
I did what I did before love came to town. (cowritten by Bono)
Better off dead.
- Black Water melody -
Ain't that just like a woman.
You are my sunshine.
Darling you know I love you.
Rock me baby.
How blue can you get? (I don’t know about this one – Toran had my phone.)
Highway blues.
The thrill is gone.
Someone cares.

one of the things that most amazed me about b.b. is that as old as he is, and as long as he's played, he hasn't lost it all. sure, he can't really stand up and play anymore. he has lost a little speed in his minor pentatonic, but that's to be expected. what i didn't expect was how amazing he still is. his voice is absolutely fantastic, his touch is unparalleled, and his foot was never once, in the 1.5+ hours he played, out of time. i guess that that's why he's the king (not elvis.)

(sorry for the novel. =D )


Catherine said...

I can't believe you went to IGLC. I avioded that like the plague (but I had to go when I was scholarship chair at Sigma Alpha). It's seemed kinda of pointless to me (and boring), but I'm glad that you had a good time.

Lise M. said...

I'm so pleased that you took note of the etiquette (or lack thereof) displayed at your meeting - it gives me hope that even a minority of young people care about it - sometimes!
It was nice to see you at Gma's over the weekend - it's ridiculous that I only see as much of you as I do my far-flung daughters and you're less than 15 minutes away!
The concert sounds amazing - I didn't know BB King was on the convo list this year, sorry I missed it, but I appreciate the blow-by-blow.
Hope your truck is a quick (and inexpensive) fix!

Anne said...

Gee, I learned more about your weekend from your blog than I did seeing you in person! Sounds like it was great. I TOTALLY agree with Lise' - I'm glad you at least noticed the (lack of ) manners. Maybe all my nagging (some of it?) will pay off. Be sure to tell Gma Lois - it will put a smile on her face!

Lindy Lois said...

it's wierd that my mom is your aunt. i was like, "aunt emily? who's- oh."