Friday, January 25, 2008

It All Starts Again

Well, I forgot my password to this thing for awhile, so it's probably time to start using it more often.

School started roughly a month ago and I can't say that I missed it much. I did miss the comradery and the friendships, but being home has its perks. My big decision I have to make soon is whether or not I want to stay here over the summer and get some classes out of the way, or whether I should go home and try to get some money. Should I just apply for jobs and enroll in summer school? It would be easy to withdraw from summer school and take an internship, but I feel that it would be much more difficult to explain to a company that I would rather take classes instead of work for them. I guess maybe we'll cross that bridge when we get there, eh?

1 comment:

Catherine said...

If you work for a smaller company (like I did two years ago) they may not have work for you to work full-time everyday and you may be able to schedule around classes. And you don't have to tell the company that you are taking classes instead, you can just say you've accepted a position somewhere else.