Wednesday, July 04, 2007

asphalt, cow-tagging, & surgery

last friday, i was working on an ashpalt paver (why they would send someone from the engineering department to do this i have no idea.. oh wait, "intern") and got completely burnt wearing a cutoff tshirt and i couldn't even raise my arms above shoulder height until monday afternoon. melanoma, here i come. now, it's just peeling off like crazy, and it looks like i have leprosy or something. not seriously, but it does look a little gross. (overall grossness factor: 1)

saturday i went to the farm and watched lindy maul a cow. j/k, but seriously, she is the bovine mike tyson. more on that here.
as nearly as i can tell, she's still on the positive side of her farmer merits. i think that the worst part is having a cow take a dump on the (bump, bum, ?) bar and it splashed up onto my arm and face. (overall grossness factor: 4.75)

sunday, dad and i did surgery on a kitten. it had a worm in it's neck, and so we had to hold it down, cut out the entrance hole a little bit, and then cauterized (sp?) some tweasers and pulled it out. then we had to put some antibiotics on the hole, and top it off with some menthol stuff so that the kitten wouldn't lick it off. the worm was a little over a half inch, which doesn't sound big, except for the kitten is only seven or so inches long. (overall gross-ness factor: 3)

also, i may have found a way to fix the a/c in the car. that would mean that i could hear the tape player. (explanation: since i don't have a tape player in the car, i used a power inverter, and plugged into a little personal boombox. since the windows have to be down so that i don't have a heat stroke, i can't hear that poor little stereo over the wind noise.) There is no other way to listen to all of the Prairie Home Companion tapes that my dad taped for Grandpa Maddox in 1984. (another story for another day)

right now i just got back from decorating for a luau party that the college-age group at our church is throwing. it probably took a good 3.5 hours because we had so much stuff. it should look pretty good though.

more on that later, but i have to work on some games and things for it. happy independance day everyone!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Hey I have some Prairie Home Companion on CD I can lend you.